Constitutionalising Anarchy Project Anarchy Rules!
Sat 15 October 2016
Constitutionalising Anarchy Project
Why bother with rules when non-dominating processes support anarchist organising? We think that rules can help anarchists, to decide why some processes are better than others, to be clear about the way we want to live and how we want to interact with others. We’ll be discussing:
(i) what principles anarchists do/should advocate.
(ii) how, if at all, these principles support the generation of rules.
(iii) how, if at all, the idea of anarchy helps give content to rules (what’s distinctive about the rules anarchists make?).
(iv) what rules anarchists can agree to, to help resolve disputes
This event is part of RIB Project: not by the book.
Constitutionalising Anarchy Project.