Cities Kari Robertson curated programme
Tue 21 March — Wed 22 March 2017
21d8fac1 1a5b 4b33 b479 b14ca5abc6b5 Stage
Guest curator Kari Robertson presents a film-based programme within the CCA cinema space that explores the relationship between contemporary urban architectures and the way we move in, or through them. ‘Architecture’ is expanded from its contemporary common usage and understood at its etymological foundation; both as the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing physical structures.
The programme will be divided into two parts. The first session, on Tue 21 March, will focus on physical urban architectures and pose questions around how our bodies relate to these constructed environments; when, or where, are we encouraged to move through, or linger within the city?
lightreading (the collaborative identity of artists Sonya Lacey and Sarah Rose) present a live reading of the publication Ultra Vires, a series of architectural propositions towards a fictional, socially progressive nightclub complex.
The second session on Wed 22 March will focus on our everyday gestures and ways of moving. These daily choreographies are considered as spatio-temporal architectures, which, through our repeated performance of them, mould and shape the ways our bodies form. A programme of audio-visual works will explore hierarchies of gesture and incidental choreographies, including works by Giles Bailey, Helen Dowling and Charles Atlas.