Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

The Dice Roll Cafe

Sun 11 September 2016

The Dice Roll Cafe

A pop-up board games cafe, in Saramago at CCA!

Play any game in the Dice Roll Café's collection of over 100 games, as many as you like, for as long as you like. Visitors are of course welcome to bring their own games too. We’ll be open all day long, from 1-11pm, serving Saramago's brunch menu from noon, and a fantastic dinner menu from 5pm! From 7pm onwards we'll be playing Two Rooms & a Boom, a fast-paced people-focused game designed for parties up to 30 players, where the crowd is randomly split into two mixed groups or 'rooms'.

The Dice Roll Café also run an 'open' table, allowing solo visitors to come along and join in a game at any point during the day. So whether you're looking for a lazy afternoon with friends, some real quality time with the family, a new kind of night-out or a memorable date experience - come down to the Dice Roll Café!

Full details of Sunday's event can be found on Facebook.




1pm, £2 on the door, Saramago Terrace Bar
All ages
0141 352 4900