Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Last Night From Glasgow: Broken Chanter Album Launch

Fri 6 September 2019

BROKEN CHANTER 18 web n5cz

Join Broken Chanter, Mammoth Penguins and Moonsoup as they celebrate the launch of Broken Chanter's debut album.

Broken Chanter is the adopted name of David MacGregor. MacGregor spent the past decade as the principal songwriter of Scottish Alt-Pop darlings Kid Canaveral – a band that could get you to dance, laugh, and weep all in the space of a set. Following the completion of touring for Kid Canaveral’s third record in late 2017, the natural break allowed MacGregor time to collect his thoughts, and some song fragments, and flesh them out into skeletal demos recorded in Ardnamurchan, Skye, Edinburgh, Glasgow, and Ireland and committed to master by May 2018.

The first Broken Chanter album is a record which paints an emotional and expansive soundscape with a distinct sense of place, that showcases MacGregor’s ear for melody and dexterity at tugging heart-strings. It will be released into the world in September 2019 by Olive Grove and Last Night From Glasgow.


Last Night From Glasgow is a not-for-profit independent record label based in Glasgow, Scotland.




8pm, £8.50 (£5) via LNFG, Theatre
Book online / 0141 352 4900