Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 11am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed /// PLEASE NOTE: Our main lift is currently broken, please ask a member of staff for access to the secondary lift.

Paul Michael Henry Butoh Dance Workshop

Sun 13 August 2017

Henry Butoh

Butoh is an immersive dance form originating from Japan and dubbed the Dance of Darkness. These workshops offer a method of embodied psychological practice, designed for people seeking to explore a creative way to express the memories, dreams, and possibilities hidden in their own body. It also offers a unique method of training for those interested in making performance work.

The training aims at acquiring body awareness through a set of exercises focused on coordination and disarticulation, dissolving of tension, balance, grounding and visualisation. This nurtures the flow of inner images, desires, conscious and unconscious memories and dreams, and our ability to perceive body energies. The goal is to unlock the imagination-body, giving rise to the unique dance within each of us.

Everyone is welcome, with no experience needed. We are not performing for each other so much as dropping our daily body habits to uncover the imagination hidden beneath.

Paul Michael Henry is a seasoned Butoh dancer and teachers who has trained with many of the best known Butoh masters alive today, including Yoshito Ohno, Yukio Waguri, Mari Osani, Masaki Iwana, Kayo Mikami, Seisaku & Yuri, Tadashi Endo, Yumiko Yoshioka, Imre Thormann, Yuko Kaseki and Gyohei Zaitsu.

These workshops are a synthesis of these experiences and his own research. These workshops are open to all with no prior experience necessary. We're keen to welcome those of all body types, abilities and needs. Discounts available for block-booking for regular students. Please contact at for details.





12noon, £20 (£15) + £1 booking fee, Clubroom
All ages
Classes payable online & on the door / 0141 352 4900