Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

What We Do

Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman, Soot Breath / Corpus Infinitum. Photography by Alan Dimmick

CCA: Centre for Contemporary Arts is Glasgow’s hub for the arts. We host a year-round programme of exhibitions, events, films, music, literature, workshops, festivals and performances. At the heart of all activities is the desire to work with artists, commission new projects and present them to the widest possible audience.

CCA runs an open source programming policy, where we give our venue space to artists and organisations to present their own public events. In 2019-20, CCA worked with 256 programme partners across 1,304 events and 28 festivals. This broad and experimental programme brings a diverse audience to the venue, with 306,482 admissions in 2019-20.

CCA curates six exhibitions a year, presenting local and international artists in our gallery. We are also home to Intermedia Gallery, showcasing emerging artists. Entrance to all exhibitions and many events is free.

We support the development of new work and offer a programme of artist residencies in our Creative Lab. CCA is proud to support the Paying Artists campaign.

In 2015, we launched our public engagement programme which has – at its heart – the prospect of cultural and social change explored through art. In 2019-20, 67 activities took place in CCA and in communities throughout Glasgow, reaching 1,628 participants.

We host two libraries within the building. Glasgow Seed Library provides herb and vegetable seeds for growing, and relies on seeds deposited by the public. The Reading Library offers a collection of books available in the CCA foyer.

CCA is home to a range of other cultural and artistic organisations, known as our cultural tenants. These are Ando Glaso, BHP Comics; Camcorder Guerillas; Cryptic; Document; Electron Club; MAP Magazine; LUX Scotland; Paragon; Playwrights’ Studio Scotland; Scottish Ensemble; Scottish Writers’ Centre and Tom McGrath Writers' Room.

We have won several awards in recent years, including: The Arts & Culture Award, The Herald Inspiring City Awards; Unique Venue of the Year, the Scottish Event Awards; Best Cultural Venue, The Glasgow Awards; Best Performing Arts Venue at the Sunday Herald Culture Awards (commendation).

Located in the CCA foyer, independent shops Aye-Aye Books and Welcome Home offer a wide range of publications, craft and design to take home.

CCA is supported by Creative Scotland and Glasgow Community Planning Partnership.

As part of our long-running commitment to the environment, we have an ambitious environmental policy, created with the help of Creative Carbon Scotland and the Green Arts Initiative. Through the implementation of this, we aim to become a leader and role model for arts organisations across Scotland and the UK. Please see our Environmental Policy for more information.


CCA is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equalities and diversity. Please see our Equal Opportunities Policy for more information.