Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Second Floor

  • The second floor contains the Intermedia Gallery, the Clubroom and offices. It is accessible by stairs (23 in total from the first floor) or the lift.

Intermedia Gallery

  • The Intermedia Gallery has doors measuring 90cm / 35.5 inches wide, which will be open during an exhibition. All exhibitions in Intermedia Gallery will be attended by an invigilator who can provide assistance as requested.


  • The Clubroom is accessible from the second floor lift entrance along a level corridor.
  • Please note that there are three sets of heavy doors along this corridor. The first two doors open inwards and measure 122cm / 48 inches wide when both are opened. The third door opens outwards and measures 70cm / 27.5 inches wide. The final set of doors to the Clubroom is a double door opening inwards which measures 129cm / 50.5 inches in width. Most Clubroom events will be attended by the event organiser, otherwise CCA staff can provide assistance.
  • Please note there is no hearing loop in the Clubroom.