Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

CCA Annex

Denise Ferreira da Silva and Arjuna Neuman, Soot Breath / Corpus Infinitum. Photography by Alan Dimmick.

CCA Annex is an online project space that serves as a digital extension to our physical galleries. To visit CCA Annex click here.

As well as hosting live events, Annex is a repository of interviews, films, essays, publications, performance, residencies, talks and games. Projects are drawn from across CCA’s programming strands and also feature new works specially commissioned for Annex.

New projects and events will be added over the coming year, and feature on the landing page in a newspaper-style format before being archived.

Content that is time limited will also leave a footprint within the site. Visitors can search for key terms, artists and contributors as they are indexed over time. You can also view upcoming and past events here.