Studio Lunches #4 Stephanie Hier | Fast Images, Slow Images
Stephanie Hier
This time around I caught up with Stephanie Hier over Skype, which turned out to be a pretty appropriate format for our conversation. Stephanie had a recent exhibition at David Dale Gallery, which we take as our starting point in discussing her work and interests in general.
Beginning with an exploration of the phrase, “the flatness of possibility”, we talk about image production and time within the online media-sphere. This phrase captures how when diverse images from across histories and context become ungrounded in online contexts, resulting in a breakdown of narrative; a temporal and conceptual “flatness”. Through this episode she helps me to unpack the merits of painting as a slow tool in a high-speed culture. And in doing so offers us a means for negotiating our contemporary world of contextual slippage, entangled timelines and impulsively generated imagery.
About Studio Lunches
Studio Lunches is an autonomous podcast project, supported by CCA.
Its goal is to open up artists’ practices within Glasgow through
conversation, exploring the diverse, obscure and intriguing interests
that reside at the heart of this. The artists may be Glasgow-based or
have exhibited within Glasgow at some point, influencing or being
influenced by the community they find themselves in.
Studio Lunches is not intended to offer a singular vision on creative activity within the city, instead its aim is to celebrate the wide (and occasionally conflicting) variety of creative practices that continually re-shape, progress and challenge the artistic community here.