Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Richard Hough

A Dram of Street Life in Edinburgh

Sat 21 June — Sat 12 July 1975

"His photos ask many questions ... about the endless queuing up and filling in forms that is so much part of life in our society. What are we waiting for? Where are we going? Perhaps as an American now settled in Scotland, Richard Hough has recognised something about life in Britain which we are too close to see."

- NuSpeak 14 by Tom McGrath, published by the Scottish Arts Council, 1975

An exhibition of photography by artist Richard Hough, an American artist who had moved to Edinburgh in 1972. He received an award from the Scottish Arts Council to "photograph bus queues in Edinburgh", which apparently caused a "cry of outrage" from the Scottish Press. This exhibition is the end results of this project and, playing off this controversy, the Third Eye Centre invited the public to come and judge the work for themselves.




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All ages

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