Havana Glasgow Film Festival
Amor Vertical / Vertical Love
Sat 20 November 2021
English subtitling

Wheelchair accessible

Hearing loop

Amor Vertical
Architecture student Estela (Silvia Aguila) makes a suicide attempt after her plans for solving Havana's housing shortage are rejected. This brings her into contact with earthy, cynical hospital nurse Ernesto (Jorge Perugorria). Estela invites him home for dinner, and he succeeds in offending everyone present.
Unable to find a quiet spot to be alone, they finally find a squatters' tenement, where their sexual frenzy causes a ceiling to collapse. They next try vertical love in a stalled elevator, trapping people in the modern building without stairs.
Fleeing responsibilities, they stage a romantic rendezvous alongside a country river, but once again they are interrupted as Cuban officials arrive with papers because the couple constructs a hut beneath a bridge. Amid the misadventures, lust turns to love.
Estudiante de arquitectura Estela (Silvia Aguila) se intenta suicidar después de que sus planes para resolver la escasez de viviendas en La Habana son rechazados. Esto la lleva a conocer al enfermero directo y cínico, Ernesto (Jorge Perugorria). Estela le invita a su casa para cenar, y él consigue ofender a todos los presentes.
Incapaces de encontrar un lugar tranquilo para estar a solas, finalmente encuentran una vivienda ocupada, donde su frenesí sexual hace que se derrumbe el techo.
Luego, intentan el amor vertical en un ascensor atascado, atrapando a la gente en el edificio moderno sin escaleras. Huyendo de sus responsabilidades, organizan una cita romántica junto a un río campestre, pero una vez más se ven interrumpidos por la llegada de funcionarios cubanos con papeles porque la pareja construye una cabaña bajo un puente. En medio de las desventuras, la lujuria se convierte en amor.
Three independent stories linked to a writer’s room with imaginative crisis where people go to tell their stories, hoping someday to find fame as a character in a novel.
Arturo Sotto I Cuba 1997 I 1h40m I Spanish with English subtitles I Fiction I N/C 18+
Havana Glasgow Film Festival
Celebrating Cuban film and culture in Havana’s twin city of Glasgow
Our seventh edition focuses on the resourcefulness and extraordinariness of Cuba during one of the toughest points in its history in a hybrid Festival of online and live screenings.
Highlights include a Friday evening programme of films and discussion relating to Cuba’s unique approach to sustainability. Rebecca Heidenberg, Director of Queens of the Revolution will join us for a live streamed Q&A on Sunday night to discuss her portrait of a cultural centre that paved the road for LGBTQ+ rights in Cuba. Our featured director this year is acclaimed filmmaker Arturo Sotto and we will screen four of his films including the film noir Nido de Mantes / Mantis Nest.
Online Festival Passes, costing £15 / £7.50 allow access to all our online films, with an additional cost of £0/£2/£4/£6/£8 for live events at CCA on a pay-what-you-can basis.
For full programme details, visit our website www.hgfilmfest.com
Venue Guidance
CCA is currently operating with increased requirements due to Coronavirus. Masks and hand-sanitising are required throughout the building, and queueing for events will take place outside, so please dress for the weather. We ask that people attending events take a lateral flow test before visiting CCA. For more information, please see Venue Guidance.
Event Collection
Event Type
1:30pm — 3:10pm
Tickets: Sliding scale: £0/£2/£4/£6/£8
Booking fee: 10% booking fee
English subtitling
Wheelchair accessible
Hearing loop
Additional info:
Spanish with English subtitles / Español con subtítulos en inglés