Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

An Independent Scotland: In or Out of the EU?

Sun 25 November 2018


The relationship between the possibility of Scottish Independence and the reality of Brexit is more complex than is often thought. The assumption, for example, that support for the UK leaving the EU is always a manifestation of right-wing populism is as misguided as the assumption that a independent Scotland would automatically be a model of embedded social democracy. There are obviously many different permutations involving support/opposition to Scotland becoming independent from the UK and support/opposition to the UK leaving the EU. In order to address some of these issues from a left-wing perspective, CCA will host a panel discussion with two supporters of Scottish Independence, Maggie Chapman, co-convenor of the Scottish Green Party, and Neil Davidson, the Marxist historian and sociologist, who take opposed positions on the question of leaving the EU. We intend this discussion to allow a reasoned approach to these enormously divisive questions which will transcend the partisan abuse which so often characterises the current political scene.

This event is part of an event series to coincide with our exhibition, Jonas Staal - The Scottish-European Parliament.

Event Collection

Part of The Scottish-European Parliament #




3pm, Free but ticketed, Gallery
14+ accompanied by an adult
Book Online / 0141 352 4900