Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasow Zine Fest 2024

Archival Resistance

Sat 4 May 2024

Tickets no longer available
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

A tape insert with a photo of a man holding the flag of Palestine and a gun on the front. With Arabic text on the cover.

Credit: Majazz Project

Learn more about the Palestinian struggle through the audio-visual Majazz Archive. In this immersive session, you will explore archival practice as a decolonial methodology and act of resistance, interacting with archival footage and sound that preserves and documents Palestinian heritage and resistance.

This event is part of Glasgow Zine Fest, you can view the full programme here.

About Mo’min Swaitat

Mo’min Swaitat is a London-based Palestinian artist, theatre and film maker who trained at the Freedom Theatre (Jenin) and arthaus (formerly LISPA) in London/Berlin, specialising in the Jacques Lecoq method of physical theatre, mask work and mime. He is the founder of Majazz Project, an archival platform and record label focused on reissuing Palestinian cassette and vinyl albums and field recordings, with a particular focus on sounds from the 1960s-1990s.


There will be 54 attendees maximum. During this event, attendees will participate in: watching footage, listening to audio, and whole group discussions.

You may be asked to wear a mask at this event.

If you have any questions or access requirements, please get in touch with us via

Full access information for Glasgow Zine Fest can be found here.

Content Warnings

Genocide, war, violence, oppression, colonialism, trauma

Event Collection

Part of Glasgow Zine Fest 2024 #




Event Type



Talks & Events




1:00pm — 3:00pm


All ages


Tickets: Pay-what-you-can


Wheelchair accessible

Tickets no longer available