Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Buzzcut Residency Kirsty Biff Nicholson

Mon 19 October — Sun 25 October 2020

Kirsty Biff Nicholson

Drag-Clown Kirsty Biff Nicolson will use this residency to expand their new work and persona Eagle.

Eagle is a meninist, vlogger and self appointed online forum mediator in the “manosphere”. His life’s mission is to convert men to his cause MGTOWN (Men Go Their Own Way Now). He will do anything to recruit new comrades to the cause. Eagle came about through research into (cis white) men's rights forums advocating for men to separate themselves from society and contact with women.

Eagle recently won a drag king comedy competition where he was crowned ‘Mr Big Bristol’. I will use drag and clown as my lens into understanding Eagle’s world (where gender queer bodies like my own are not invited). I will explore themes of isolation, power, loneliness, toxic masculinity and how the meninist movement has gained traction and legitimacy online. I will use the opportunity to play with the concept of a “live internet forum” and how I can create a space like this as a clown in a lo-fi way. This particular concept feels important while we are in lock-down and there is an apparent pressure for artists to digitalise live performance and create #content.


BUZZCUT & CCA have partnered to provide a series of residencies for Scotland-based performance artists.


