Ceòl is Craic Gaelictronica
Sat 14 March 2020
Barbara Morgenstern
Gaelictronica has evolved into one of our most popular and most experimental events. Indeed the term ‘Gaelictronica’ is becoming widely adopted to describe traditional Gaelic / electronic crossover music.
Barbara Morgenstern is a Berlin based electronic composer and performer. For this event she will showcase new material performed with a Gaelic choral group.
Tha Gaelictronica air a thighinn gu bhith mar aon de na tachartasan as fhèillmhor agus as probhaile a th’ againn. Gu dearbh, tha an t-ainm ‘Gaelictronica’ air fhaicinn fad’ is farsaing mar iomradh air ceòl traidiseanta Gàidhlig agus tar-chur eileagtronaigeach.
'S i Barbara Morgenstern sgrìobhadair-ciùil eileagtronaigeach agus neach-gnìomhaidh stèidhichte ann am Berlin. Airson an tachartais seo, bidh i a' mòr-thaisbeanadh phìosan-ciùil ùra air an gnìomhadh le buidheann coisireach Gàidhlig.
7.30pm - 10.30pm, £14 (£10 concessions / £5 for students), Theatre / 18+
Book online / 0141 352 4900