Ceòl is Craic
Ceòl is Craic Club Film 'Dàn Fianais' (Protest Poem)
Tue 19 September 2023
English subtitling
Wheelchair accessible
Dàn Fianais
Dàn Fianais or Protest Poem is a film-portrait of Skye and Lochalsh and some of its inhabitants – human and otherwise, by artist Andrew Black. It was made with over sixty people with connections to Skye and Lochalsh – sharing the past and imagining the future – and commissioned in partnership with Skye Climate Action.
6.30pm: Join us for a Gaelic learners conversation group before the film screening.
7.30pm: First, in partnership with the annual FilmG competition, we’ll be screening two award-winning short films
7.45pm: ‘DÀN FIANAIS (Protest Poem)‘
8.45pm: Q&A session.
6.30f: Thigibh còmhla rinn don bhuidheann luchd-ionnsachaidh airson cearcall còmhraidh ro na filmichean.
7.30f: An toiseach, ann an com-pàirteachas leis a’ cho-fharpais bhliadhnail FilmG, bidh sinn a’ sgrìonadh dà fhilm goirid a bhuannaich duaisean.
7.45f: ‘DÀN FIANAIS’
8.45f: Seisean Q&A