Ceòl is Craic: Sradagan na Sràide / Street Sparks
Sat 5 June 2021
In the autumn of 2020 singer/songwriter Pedro Cameron (aka Man of the Minch) and poet Peter Mackay were invited by Ceòl is Craic to write a collection of songs to celebrate and reflect on the lives of contemporary Gaels in the urban environment.
Six months on the duo are ready to present a set of songs which combine Pedro’s “galactic folk pop” sounds with Peter’s powerful and emotionally complex lyrics.
For this unique online event Pedro has recruited a band of musicians featuring the cream of Scotland’s indie folk scene including Josie Duncan, Laura Wilkie, Charlotte Printer and Audrey Tait.
San fhoghar 2020, thug Ceòl is Craic cuireadh don t-seinneadair / sgrìobhaiche-òrain, Pedro Camshron, (Fear a’ Chuain Sgìth) agus don bhàrd, Pàdraig MacAoidh, cruinneachadh de dh’òrain a sgrìobhadh gus meòrachadh agus comharrachadh a dhèanamh air beatha Ghàidheil cho-aimsireil ann an àrainneachd bhailtean-mòra.
Sia mìosan às dèidh sin, tha an dithis deiseil airson seata de dh’òrain a thaisbeanadh a tha a’ cothlamadh nam fuaimean “galactic folk pop” aig Pedro leis na briathran toinnte cumhachdach is làn-fhaireachdainneil aig Pàdraig.
Airson an tachartais gun choimeas seo air-loidhne, tha Pedro air còmhlan de cheòladairean a thrusadh a tha a’ nochdadh sàr luchd-ciùil ann an saoghal tuath-cheol indie na h-Alba, a’ gabhail a-steach Josie Duncan, Laura Wilkie, Charlotte Printer agus Audrey Tait.
Event Collection
Part of Ceòl is Craic