Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Company of Wolves If the Skeleton Isn't Working, How Can a Body Stand Up?

Fri 3 January — Sun 5 January 2020

Alex Rigg

Company of Wolves presents WINTER TRAINING 2020: If the skeleton isn’t working, how can a body stand up? with Alex Rigg of OCEANALLOVER.

This three-day workshop focuses on finding new ways to use the body to generate and reveal the initial bones of your own material. How can you use your body as a physical manifestation of your subconscious, or even preconscious, thought?

With movement as a catalyst, you’ll have a chance to play, experiment and uncover your own native material, and make the first marks on a blank canvas that might shape all form that follows. Be prepared to move, explore, play, and work!


Alex Rigg has been making live events since 1982. If there is a common thread to his work, it must be a strong need to push boundaries around, to set foot on unknown soil and generally to play with our concepts of art outside its accepted form. Recent productions include Transfigured, Orographic, and Sea Hames. He has trained as an archeological illustrator, a drystone dyker, blacksmith, fine artist, dancer, timber-framer and costume maker/designer. Drawing on influences from Butoh, Body Weather, sculpture and live art, his performance work is off-beat and either enigmatic or impenetrable… decide for yourself. Alex regularly teaches around Scotland.

Please submit your application online through this link:




10am, £150 (£135 Early Bird Rate), Creative Lab
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