Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Company of Wolves Music / Theatre with Katie Duck

Tue 7 January — Fri 10 January 2020

Katie Duck

Company of Wolves presents WINTER TRAINING 2020: Music / Theatre with KATIE DUCK.

“The combination of moving, seeing, hearing, feeling and deliberately volunteering to expose myself in front of an audience alters my perception of time, space and emotions. What I do for a living is an induced neuron madness.”

In her workshop, Katie takes a microscopic view on the role improvisation plays in a live performance combining her background in the performing arts with her curiosity for advances in brain studies, music and movement research. She guides performers through physical exercises that highlight how the eyes and ears affect movement choices.

The performer/ dancer /actor/ musician needs to be the best listener in the theatre in order to read the sounds in a passing time. If you read the sounds in time you can write, reveal and give presence to a sonic body.


Based in Amsterdam, Katie Duck has been a professional performer and maker since the early 1970s. She has been an influential figure in how she has placed improvisation as an intricate element in composition and performance internationally, inspiring generations of performers, musicians and performance makers.

Katie was head of choreography at Dartington College of arts (senior lecturer) in the late 1980s. She joined the staff at Amsterdam Hogeschool voor de kunsten in 1991 teaching movement research, improvisation, composition and technique and founded the improvisational dance and music company Magpie in the 1990s with whom she toured internationally. She has collaborated with renowned dance and improvisation music artists from all over the world.

Alongside her vocational studies, Katie’s research has led her toward social studies, cultural studies and brain studies. She believes that her research must not be validated by way of academic speak alone but rather on her insistence to hear, see and take part in the practice.

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10am, £200 (£180 Early Bird), Theatre
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