Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Creative Lab Residency

Anne Colvin Three Pieces in the Shape of...

Mon 23 September — Fri 18 October 2013

Anne Colvin

During her time in the Creative Lab, Anne Colvin will develop her ideas for a filmic experience, Three Pieces in the Shape of....

Three Pieces in the Shape of... represents a crescendo, a finale and all of the drama and intensity that goes with it; the staging of the power of tension itself and the absence of everything that has gone before it. In a sense it is a conceited act of the imagination, a temporal interruption on repeat.

The piece looks like a surrealist film fragment where fractured gestures, repetitions, saturations, orchestral phrases and print iterations meet in non-linear space. Working with re-filmed and re-shaped found footage, line, fluidity, rhythm and fragility are echoed in a collection of 'paper ceramics' which are cut and collaged.

The focus of the residency is to explore the installation possibilities and relationships between the moving image, paper ceramics, lighting and screens. This study will distil the Creative Lab experience down to a series of permutations and experiments which will be reproduced in an editioned notebook, made available through CCA.

Event Collection

Part of Creative Lab Residencies #


