Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Creative Lab Residency

Echo Chamber

Mon 1 July — Fri 26 July 2013

Echo Chamber

Echo Chamber is a provisional curatorial collective comprised of Beth Dynowski, Alexander Storey Gordon, Steven Grainger and Dane Sutherland.

The Echo Chamber as a concept is based around the effects produced by the amplifying nature of a hollow enclosure, which has often been used in sound and music recording. This phenomenon has been extrapolated to refer to a social situation in which information, ideas or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission inside an ‘enclosed’ system, the effect of which is to manage and disregard conflicting views and political adversaries, particularly in the digital sphere. Our engagement with this allegorical image is predicated upon the intersections of our distinct understandings of an echo chamber, both in its potential politics and its poetics.

With this in mind, the Echo Chamber is at once both a moment in our project; the bringing together of four dissonant voices in chorus and at the same time also a guide, a common thread by which we aim to constitute a collective process directed towards the creation of an exhibition/event of the same name in 2014. During the Creative Lab Residency we aim to give shape to the Echo Chamber exhibition, formed and informed by the research, readings, screenings, discussions and performances of texts, sound and music. We see this as a way to generate public discourse and meet face to face over a sustained period of time, by performing a listening and a public staging of the research process of exhibition-making (the exhibition being our ‘medium’).

This process – both individual and collective – renders our research and ideas as a fragile body exposed to adaptation, challenge and infection. We hope to amplify and multiply contributions to the project through further collaboration, engendering our research process as one based upon an attitude of collegiality and risk-taking.

The Creative Lab is a space for artists working in the live art, contemporary performance, new theatre, time-based media and interdisciplinary art sectors to explore new ideas and methods during their residency.

Event Collection

Part of Creative Lab Residencies #




11am – 6pm