Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Creative Lab Residency

Echo Chamber Chaos and Noise

Thu 18 July 2013

Chaos and Noise

Chaos and Noise is a one-off event and collaboration with writer Craig Bayne and philosopher Neil McGinness presented as part of Echo Chamber's Creative Lab residency at CCA.

This event is inspired by L'Abécédaire de Gilles Deleuze, an eight hour long dialogue between Gilles Deleuze and Claire Parnet, and takes as its themes omitted from that filmed encounter, namely X and Y. Where Deleuze and Parnet pass directly from Wittgenstein to the concept of the Zigzag (W to Z), we give voice to the X (as “unknowable”) and Y (as “unspeakable”). For us, X is for Chaos and Y is for Noise.

The night includes talks, performances, music, writing and artwork by:
James Stephen Wright
Neil McGinness
Ţom Betteridge
Head Gallery
Kornelia Remø Klokk
Craig Bayne
Ash Reid
Michęlle Hąnnah
Robin Mackay
Brian Smith

Chaos, in Deleuze’s philosophy, is not so much a lack of order as much as it is its condition. It is the absolutely raw material for creation, and it is through a confrontation with it that the determinations proper to art, philosophy and science emerge.

Noise, like chaos, is absolute in its evanescence; it moves at lightning speed, allowing no time for form(s) to emerge. Like chaos, noise functions as a source; if music is, as John Cage defines it, “the organisation of sound”, then noise is that which becomes organised.

In this event, chaos and noise will be confronted and developed both as concepts and as “realities”, as themes and as experiences. We want to slide between thinking about these concepts in what might be called a “theoretical” sense (philosophy and science) to harnessing them, in a “practical” sense, through live performances of art and music. Explored in each case will be the question as to how chaos and noise function, both in themselves and as sources for creative endeavours.

Event Collection

Part of Creative Lab Residencies #




6pm - 10.30pm, FREE
Ages: 16+
No booking required