Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Critical City – aiming for radical municipalism in Glasgow

Mon 5 November 2018

Critical city hpv3

The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create. - Leonard I. Sweet

The Critical City Movement aims to plant seeds and nurture grassroots of Radical Municiplalism for Glasgow. The fight against the right and the fight for what is right are the same. This fight takes place 24/7 in our streets, on our screens and in our hearts and minds. A commitment to transformative municipalism means revisiting the meaning and practices of democracy. The SANE Collective invite you to help build a movement to make Glasgow a city focussed on social justice rather than economic growth!

Event Collection

Part of The Scottish-European Parliament #




6:30pm, Free but ticketed, Gallery
Book Online / 0141 352 4900