Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed


Cànain - Gaya / Short Film Night / The diversity of the languages

Wed 21 February 2024

Tickets no longer available
SDH captioning

SDH captioning

English subtitling

A child listens very carefully to a seashell. In the background there is a blue sky.

Kii Nche Ndutsa dir. Itandehui Jansen (2020)

In February, CinemaAttic focuses on diversity of languages in film. This programme is timed to coincide with the early stages of the UN International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022 – 2032) and the annual celebration of linguistic diversity, International Mother Language Day (21 February). Building connections between these events, this timely programme offers a selection of special short films that have been screened around the world, including several Scottish premieres. The shorts foreground Scottish Gaelic ("And So It Was"), Dulegaya and Wayuunaiki ("Mu Palaa"), British Sign Languages ("Signs and Gestures"), Mixtec ("Kii Nche Ndutsa"), and Yanomae ("Mãri H" and Thuë pihi kuuwi") and invite us to consider the presence, representation and rights of languages in fostering diverse cinematic cultures.

Short Film Selection:

-Mãri Hi – The Tree of Dream / Morzaniel Ɨramari (Yanomami)
Brasil / 2023 / 17´
Language: Yanomami.

-Thuë pihi kuuwi – A Woman Thinking / Aida Harika Yanomami, Edmar Tokorino Yanomami & Roseane Yariana Yanomami / Brasil / 2023 / 9´
Languages: Yanomami.

-Muu Palaa – Grandmother Sea / Olowaili Green Santacruz & Luzbeidy Monterrosa / Guna and Wayuu Territories (Panamá, Colombia, Venezuela) / 2022 / 13´
Languages: Wayunaiqui and Dulegaya.

-Signs & Gestures / Itandehui Jasen / Scotland / 2022 / 12´
Languages: British Sign Language and English.

-And So It Was / Niall Morison Macrae / Scotland / 2023 / 15´
Languages: Scottish Gaelic and English.

-Kii Nche Ndutsa – Time and the Seashell / Itandehui Jansen (Director) Armando Bautista Garcia (Writer) / México, Scotland / 2020 / 13´
Language: Mixtec.

The screening will include a Q&A with Itandehui Jansen (Film Director) and Niall Morison MacRae (Film Director).




Event Type





8:00pm — 10:00pm

Doors open: 7:30pm


All ages


Tickets: £2/5/8

Booking fee: 10%


SDH captioning

English subtitling

Tickets no longer available