Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Creative Lab Residency

Dance House Glasgow

Mon 28 September — Fri 23 October 2015

Dance House Glasgow

Dance House Glasgow's Creative Labs Programme provides practical support for established and emerging artists to explore and develop new ideas and collaborations as well as artistic mentoring and the opportunity to informally share and discuss their work.

Lab residents often offer open morning classes to local professional dancers - please check Dance House's site for details.

Rob Heaslip | max.IMEALLdance
Sharing: Friday 2 October, 4pm

Continuing on from his recent development time with Dance House Glasgow and sharing at Tramway as part of Dance International Glasgow, Rob will be resuming his current explorations into the dynamics of human identity within groups and environments.

Saffy Setohy | Mulling space/Light Field
Public events: Monday 5 - Wednesday 7 October, 5pm - 7pm // Thursday 8 October, 7pm - 9pm

Saffy's residency will be split into two activities. Each day she will work with a different invited artist to share questions, try some experiments, generate curiosities and form some connections together. In the evening the residency space will be open to the public, with an invitation to participate in testing ideas for Light Field - a new collaboration with sound artist Bill Thompson. Light Field will be an off-grid kinetically powered participatory installation made of changing constellations of people, light, sound, space and movement.
The space will be open on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 5pm - 7pm and Thursday 7-9pm. For more, see

Melanie Forbes-Broomes | V/DA
Sharing: Friday 16 October, 4.30pm

Void is a new collaboration between dancer/choreographer Melanie Forbes-Broomes, video/sound designer David Bernard and Performance director/costume designer Bex Anson premiering at Tramway on 13 and 14 May 2016.
Void is a solo dance piece based on JG Ballard's Concrete Island featuring a unique video-augmented design with glitch aesthetics, gymnastic-infused scenography and a compact technical setup. Also supported by Tramway, Dancebase and Citymoves

Fuora Dance Project
Sharing: Friday 23 October, 4.30pm

Fuora Dance Project will work on and further develop ideas behind their existing work for children (T-his/T-hat) based on the concept of choice. Every day we deal with choices, decisions and possibilities which can influence or even change certain aspects of our life. Are we always able to understand which the best option is? Are we overwhelmed by opportunities which we could misunderstand, enjoy, miss, and lose? Decisions also represent our past, our history, our memories and our future. We can be either this or that, here or there. Endless options exist and they are just in front of us. In a surreal scenario making use of props and music, the performers will explore their own choices with irony and playfulness.

Event Collection

Part of Creative Lab Residencies #




Residency, Informal sharings on Fri 2, 9, 16 & 23 October, Free, Creative Lab
Ages 14+ when accompanied by an adult