Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Document 2019 Mothers of the Land + Mass Seed Deposit with Glasgow Seed Library

Fri 25 October 2019

Mothers of the Land

Mothers of the Land is an indigenous made film accompanying five women from the Andean highlands of Peru in their daily struggle to maintain a traditional and organic way of working the land.

Peru is predicted to be among the three countries most affected by climate change. Farmers in the region use both traditional and modern agricultural techniques to maximize clean energy and combat extreme changes in weather.

Followed by a free workshop with Glasgow Seed Library. Bring your saved seeds for a Mass Seed Deposit, hear from people passionate about seed saving and pick up some skills and techniques. We invite everyone interested in growing, resilience and food sovereignty to get involved.

Álvaro & Diego Sarmiento | Peru | 2019 | 74m


In order to make Document more accessible to those on a low income, we use a sliding scale ticket price of £2-£8 for our events, with free tickets also available on the day from the festival box office. You can choose what you pay based on your circumstances – you won’t be asked for any proof / ID. And, if you would like to book a free ticket in advance, or make a group booking of free tickets, please feel free to get in touch via

We trust our audiences' honesty and hope that Document can be accessible for all whilst being supported to continue our activities in the future. For a rough guide on what to pay at our events, please visit our website.

Event Collection

Part of Document2019 #




4.30pm, £0/2/4/6/8 + £1 booking fee, Theatre
14+ accompanied by an adult / F-rated
Book online / 0141 352 4900