Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Scottish Writers Centre

Flooers fae thi fillin-stayshun: words from the heart

Tue 22 February 2022

Tickets no longer available
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

Two red roses crossed on an anatomical illustration of the human heart.

Image credit: John Bolland

Cunningly avoiding the feasts and frolics of St.Valentine’s day, the Scottish Writers Centre invite you to our first Speakeasy of 2022.

Come and enjoy our twelve readers take on love, lust and oxytocin live in the clubroom of the CCA in Glasgow on Tuesday 22nd February, 7 p.m. Our first full capacity live event since 2020.

John Bolland will be MC for the evening supported by the SWC team. Come along, meet up and enjoy a poetry reading in person with persons.

Tickets free to members with the option for non-members to sign-up (free) on the night. Ticketing details will be posted soon.

CCA standard guidelines on COVID-19 precautions will be followed including the wearing of masks within the building.

If you’d like to be one of our readers on the night, contact John at for more detail and sign-up. Poetry and flash-fiction in Scots, Gaelic or English.


On as sinn a bhios seòlta is a’ seachnadh fèistean is froiligean Là Fhèill’ Ualain, tha Ionad Sgrìobhadairean na h-Alba toilichte fàilte a chur romhad aig a’ ciad tachartas Speakeasy againn de 2022. Agus ’s ann BEÒ a bhios sinn!

Thigibh gus tlachd a ghabhail à dusan leughadairean, fhad ’s an tèid iad fhèin an sàs ann an gaol, drùis is oxytocin, beò ann an seòmar a’ chlub aig CCA Ghlaschu air Dimàirt 22mh den Ghearran, 7f. ’S e seo a’ chiad tachartas làn-inntrigidh againn o chionn 2022.

’S e John Bolland a bhios na fhear-an-taighe air an oidhche, le taic sgioba an ionaid. Thigibh ann gus coinneachadh ri daoine is bàrdachd a chluinntinn am measg an t-sluaigh.

Tha ticeadan saor ’s an asgaidh do bhuill le cothrom dhaibhsan nach eil nam buill fhathast ballrachd an ionaid a ghabhail (saor ’s an asgaidh, cuideachd) air an oidhche. Sgaoilidh sinn fiosrachadh thiceadan rè ùine ghoirid.

Bidh sinn a’ leantainn stiùireadh COVID-19 àbhaisteach a’ CCA, a’ toirt a-steach cleachdadh mhasgan, taobh a-staigh an togalaich.

Nam bu mhath leibh a bhith am measg nan leughadairean air an oidhche, cuiribh fios gu John tro airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh agus fios a chur thugainn. Bàrdachd no grad-fhicsean ann an Gàidhlig, Beurla is Beurla Ghallta.


Sleekitly dodging thi hochmagandy o St.Valentine’s day, thi Scottish Writers Centre invite ye til oor first Speakeasy o 2022. An it’s LIVE!

Come an lug-intil twelve scrievers tak on luve, gyte an oxytocin live in thi clubroom o thi CCA in Glesga oan Tuesday 22nd February, 7 p.m. Oor first stappit-fu live ceilidh since 2020.

John Bolland will be MC fur thi nicht supportit bi thi SWC team. Come alang, fa-in wi weel-kent folk an enjoy a poetry readin in person wi persons.

Tickets free tae members wi thi option fur non-members tae sign-up (free) oan thi nicht. Ticketing details will be postit soon.

CCA standard guidelines oan COVID-19 precautions will bi followt includin thi wearin o masks in aboot thi biggin.

If ye’d like tae bi een o oor readers oan thi nicht, contact John at fur mair particulars an sign-up. Poetry an flash-fiction in Scots, Gaelic or English.




Event Type






7:00pm — 9:00pm




Free but ticketed


Wheelchair accessible

Tickets no longer available