Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasgow Seed Library & Civic Street

Foraging for Seed

Sat 3 September 2022

Tickets no longer available
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

Relaxed event

Relaxed event

A hand clutches a bouquet of dried weed flowers and seed heads.

Image credit: Hannah Brazil

Wondering how to save seed from plants in the wild?

Join Hannah Brazil and Glasgow Seed Library on a walk and trundle around Civic House and along the Forth and Clyde Canal to explore our local urban ecology.

Together, we will discover the weeds and wildflowers flourishing and seeding, and discuss the role of plants in remediating and healing post-industrial landscapes.

Everyone is invited to create their own ‘civic seed mix’, and identify a space where they might be resown to restore soil and improve biodiversity.

We will also consider practical and ethical issues relating to collecting seeds, such as the spreading of “invasive” species, how to clean seeds and ensure they are pest-free, and best practice for storing and labelling.

About Hannah Brazil

Hannah Brazil is a passionate seed keeper, freelance facilitator and is currently finishing an MSc in Medical and Environmental Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh. Her research and work revolve around human-nature (dis)connection and planetary health, focussing on regenerative culture, seed saving and the stories we tell of who we are in relation to nature. Hannah is a custodian of the Salisbury Centre Seed Library and a co-founder of the Edinburgh Seed Network. She has been involved in sustainable community food growing, permaculture and collaborative education for social change projects around the world.

About Civic Street

Civic Street is located at the intersection of the Forth & Clyde canal, Cowcaddens, Woodside and Speirs Locks. The site used to sit adjacent to ‘Phoenix Park’ – a prominent public space that served local communities, but which was lost with the construction of the M8 motorway, effectively cutting off the area from the city centre and creating long-term issues with vacant and derelict land. The Civic Street project aims to re-establish the site as a vibrant public space, creating a hub for sustainability, learning and connecting with local communities. The project is led by Agile City CIC, based in Civic House, working in partnership with Glasgow Tool Library and Bike For Good.


The walk and trundle will be wheelchair accessible but there is a steep slope approaching the canal, for which wheelchair users may require assistance. Civic House has a wheelchair accessible toilet. Please email if you would like more information or to make a further access request.

Event Collection

Part of Glasgow Seed Library #




Event Type

Talks & Events


Civic House, 26 Civic Street, Glasgow, G4 9RH


11:00am — 12:00pm


All ages, under 16s must be accompanied by an adult


Free but ticketed


Wheelchair accessible

Relaxed event

Tickets no longer available