Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

fugue states

A Development Circle for Radical Subjectivity

Sun 9 August 2015

fugue states

Please note: this event has previously been advertised as taking place on Sun 26 July, but will now take place on Sun 9 August. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Have you ever wanted to develop your psychic, telepathic, clairvoyant, mediumistic, clairaudient, shamanistic, clairsentient, telekinetic, psychometric and animal magnetic aptitude with like-minded others?

Do you want your body and mind to become a vital conduit for receiving and transmitting external information by means beyond the realm of the regular human senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell?

Have you ever wondered whether a “self”, your-self, can become transitory, unmanageable, slippery, un-institutionalised and temporarily indistinguishable from the selves of human, plant, object, animal or energy Others?

Have you ever wanted to just get some extra senses?


Then join Our Extra-Sensory Selves! It's a workshop designed to explore the self in relation to power by considering the extra-sensorial as a site for radical subjective transformation and mobilisation.

The Development Circle for Radical Subjectivity will consist of practical exercises in extra-sensory development and the reading of specific texts. Through collective reading, discussion and extra-sensory development, the session will explore and embody a variety of ideas and practices from the ancient to the contemporary. We'll also be taking into account how, historically, extra-sensory practices have been viewed by institutional systems of power; how has psychic ability been understood, represented and marginalised, for example throughout Modernity, and how is it perceived within contemporary society?

Can we, like the psychic medium, parapsychologist or animist be vital conduits for receiving and channelling other sources of knowledge, experiences and emotions beyond our “own”? By becoming extra-sensory can we expand subjectivity into a more amorphous, and potentially freer, realm of contingency, fluidity and multiplicity of self?

The development circle is free and open to anyone. Booking is open and subject to availability, and it is advisable to pre-book a spot. No prior extra-sensory experience is needed


A Development Circle is a type of meeting group normally found in spirit mediumship contexts that aims to enable members of the group to improve their practical and spiritual skills together. The Development Circle welcomes both extra-sensory believers and skeptics alike, but it is not ironic in its position. It is a group for exploring extra-sensory practices, subjectivity and power in a genuine, sensitive and experimental way aiming to investigate how we might wield our extra-senses, not only in a personal context, but in a social and political one also.




12pm - 5pm, Free but ticketed, Theatre
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900