Third Eye Bar opening hours: Tue-Thu: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon - midnight

Celtic Connections 2020 Gaels le Chéile @ Ceòl is Craic

Sat 25 January 2020


Ceòl is Craic joins forces with Gaels Le Chéile and Celtic Connections to present our annual celebration of the shared Gaelic / Gaeilge culture of Scotland and Ireland.

IMLÉ are a Dublin-based band who deliver a unique fusion of poetry, rap, rock, trip hop and traditional music, all performed in Irish. The band will perform tracks from their recently released second album.

While touring in Scotland in 2018 the band met up with Gaelictronica duo WHYTE and discovered a shared passion for combining Gaelic / Gaeilge language songs with innovative musical settings. For this event WHYTE will perform tracks from their highly praised new release Tairm before joining IMLÉ on stage to debut recently recorded collaborative material.

Anamoch is the exciting collaboration of Scottish-based duo Marit Fӓlt and Rona Wilkie with Irish rapper and poet Séamus Barra Ó Súilleabháin. The trio combine hip-hop, spoken-word and traditional music to create ‘an energetic moon-cèilidh mash-up that has everything from impromptu story-telling, tongue in cheek Gaeltacht Gangsta rap to the chanting of traditional prayers with acoustic loops’.

Thèid Ceòl is Craic còmhla ri Gaels Le Chèile agus Celtic Connections airson ar comharradh bliadhnail air a’ chultar Ghàidhlig a tha co-roinnte eadar Alba agus Èirinn.

Is e còmhlan-ciùil stèidhichte ann am Baile Átha Cliath a th’ ann an IMLÉ a tha a’ lìbhrigeadh measgachadh air leth de bhàrdachd, rap, roc, trip hop agus ceòl traidiseanta, uile air an coileanadh tro mheadhan na Gaeilge. Coileanaidh an còmhlan tracan bhon dàrna clàr aca a chaidh fhoillseachadh o chionn ghoirid.

Fhad ’s a bha iad air chuairt ann an Alba ann an 2018, choinnich an còmhlan ri WHYTE, an dithis Gaelictronica, agus lorg iad am meas a bh’ aca uile do chothlamadh òrain ann an Gàidhlig/Gaeilge ann an suidheachaidhean ciùil ùr-ghnàthach.

Don tachartas seo, bidh WHYTE a’ coileanadh thracan bhon chlàr ùr aca “Tairm” a tha air mòran molaidh a chosnadh, mus tèid iad air àrd-ùrlar còmhla ri IMLÉ gus stuth co-obrachail a chlàradh ann an Èirinn, a nochdadh airson a’ chiad uair.

Event Collection

Part of Celtic Connections 2020 #




7.30pm, £15 + £1.50 booking fee (online) / £2.75 booking fee (phone) or no booking fee in person via Celtic Connections, Theatre / 18+
Book online / 0141 353 8000