Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

GFF19 Ray & Liz

Sat 23 February 2019

Ray and Liz

Turner Prize-nominated artist Richard Billingham touches raw nerves with a feature debut that offers an unflinching evocation of his early family life. Incidents from the past provide a bracing immersion into the lives of Ray (Justin Salinger), the permanently angry Liz (Ella Smith) and their two sons. The vision of squalor and neglect feels like something from the era of Dickens, rather than Thatcher’s Birmingham. Billingham captures all the horror and humanity of his upbringing, and the heart-melting performance from young Joshua Millard Lloyd is outstanding.

Also screening on Thu 28 Feb, 4:15pm

Event Collection

Part of GFF19 #




6pm, £11 (£8.80), Theatre
Tickets via GFF / 0141 332 6535