Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

GIOfest X Evening Performance

Fri 1 December 2017

Tender buttons jvu5

The second day of GIOfest X features a piece devised for GIO by Jim O'Rourke for launch at the Edinburgh Fringe, Tender Buttons from the US featuring a GIO long-time collaborator and friend, Gino Robair. The evening will conclude with the famous GIO Small Groups event, this year curated by our own Stuart Brown.

Running order for the evening :
Some I Know Some I Don’t (Jim O’Rourke)
Gino Robair with Tender Buttons
GIO Small Groups event curated by Stuart Brown

Event Collection

Part of GIOFest X #




7.30pm, £8 (£5) + £1 booking fee, Theatre
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900