Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

GIOfest X Evening Performance

Sat 2 December 2017

Rhodri Davies hi res 1 fe23

Day Three of GIOfest features pieces by Una MacGlone and George Burt, a Rhodri Davies solo and the entire ensemble in the final piece of the evening.

The concert will begin with two of our most successful recent pieces from within the group: Another Prism by Una MacGlone, and George Burt’s Improcherto.

Rhodri Davies will pay solo and the final event will be a free piece featuring the entire ensemble and all of our guests.

Event Collection

Part of GIOFest X #




7.30pm, £8 (£5) + £1 booking fee, Theatre
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900