Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

GIOfest XII Open Discussion with Corey Mwamba, chaired by Raymond MacDonald: away into the body: re-thinking the vibraphone in improvised music

Sat 30 November 2019


Corey will talk about the vibraphone; how bodies are treated in jazz and improvised music, specifically his own; and how his research into his own vibraphone practice attempts to give another way of talking about improvising musicians that avoid issues of objectification and


GIOfest is an annual festival in Glasgow providing a platform for improvising musicians and artists, organised by Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra, a large improvising ensemble of musicians from diverse artistic backgrounds ranging from free improvisation, jazz, classical, folk, pop, experimental musics and performance art.

Event Collection

Part of GIOfest XII #




3pm, Free (unticketed), Cinema
All ages
0141 352 4900