Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasgow Seed School

Growing food is a radical act

Tue 15 June 2021

Tickets no longer available

Martha Adonai Williams

This event is now fully sold out, having reached the maximum capacity of attendees on our Zoom account. However, you can still participate in and watch the event for free, live streaming on our online project space CCA Annex. Thank you so much for your interest!

Claire Ratinon in conversation with Martha Adonai Williams about the joy of growing and the legacy of colonialism in horticulture.

Over the last year, many of us have turned towards growing our own food. Community growing projects boomed and demand for seeds outstripped supply. Despite this movement, people continue to experience food insecurity, unequal access to land and a lack of resources for growing.

Organic food grower and writer Claire Ratinon is passionate about empowering people to begin to grow food. She has written a guide to growing edible plants in containers, and writes and speaks about the legacy of colonialism in horticulture and why it's necessary to consider how it influences the way we grow and garden to this day.

In this relaxed online event, Claire will be in conversation with Glasgow-based grower and writer Martha Adonai Williams. Join a discussion about the joy of growing things and rebuilding our ancestral connections to the land.

Organised by Glasgow Seed Library with The People's Pantry. Supported by Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust UK.

About the contributors

Claire Ratinon is an organic food grower and writer based in East Sussex. She has grown produce for the Ottolenghi restaurant, Rovi and delivered workshops to schools and community centres. She has written a book about edible container gardening, How to Grow Your Dinner Without Leaving the House, and recently co-authored a pamphlet for Rough Trade Books with artist, Sam Ayre titled Horticultural Appropriation: Why Horticulture Needs Decolonising.

Martha Adonai Williams is a writer, grower, creative producer and community organiser based in Glasgow. Her practice departs to and returns from black feminist world-making, always, with regular layovers in front of trash tv or at the allotment.

The People’s Pantry is a membership-led shop that provides good quality food and fresh groceries at a subsidised rate. Based in Govanhill, The People’s Pantry is an initiative of Govanhill Baths Community Trust.

Part of Glasgow Seed School

Glasgow Seed School is a season of free workshops, talks and events. It aims to nurture seed stewardship and help build climate, food and community resilience. It is organised by Glasgow Seed Library, in collaboration with friends and partner organisations across the city.

Event Collection

Part of Glasgow Seed Library #





Online via Zoom




All ages


Free but ticketed

Event Website

Tickets no longer available

Additional info:

If you have further access requests, please email