Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasgow Short Film Festival EFA Shorts 1: Disobedience

Fri 20 March 2020

EFA 1 6gzl

Every year twenty European festivals each nominate a short film to send to the European Film Academy awards. GSFF has selected twelve of those nominees for a three programme showcase of the most critically acclaimed contemporary European shorts.

In the first programme, fear and paranoia strikes both a Ceausescu-era family at Christmas time, and - with rather less cause - a remote French village. A family man starts a new job under controversial circumstances, whilst a stone statue makes a break for freedom.

Event Collection

Part of GSFF 2020 #




4:30pm-6pm, £2/£4/£6/£8 (Pay What You Can), Theatre
15+ / F-rated
Tickets via GSFF / 0141 332 6535