Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasgow Short Film Festival EFA Shorts 2: Release

Sat 21 March 2020

EFA Shorts

In the second European Film Academy showcase programme, a Ukrainian weightlifter sheds all extraneous emotional ties to focus on an impending competition. A water-wheel generates an extraordinary visual illusion. After a traumatic experience a young woman attempts to rebuild a sense of trust and intimacy with her partner. And finally a dysfunctional Norwegian family face up to some hard truths during the course of an ill-advised camping holiday.

Some subtitles.

Event Collection

Part of GSFF 2020 #




7pm-8:30pm, £2/£4/£6/£8 (Pay What You Can), Theatre
15+ / F-rated
Tickets via GSFF / 0141 332 6535