Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasgow Zine Library Talk: Sheila Rooswitha Putri, Ben Soedira, Arianne Maki B M Glasgow Zine Library

Sat 16 March 2019

Join us for a unique evening with Indonesian graphic novelist Sheila Rooswitha Putri, writer Arianne Maki and photographer Ben Soedira. Sheila Rooswitha Putri’s work is inspired by the everyday happenings of Jakarta, one of the world’s megacities. Most of her stories are based on personal experience, and her love of Jakarta has inspired many collaborations with other comic artists. Making a special guest appearance at CCA as part of the Indonesia Market Focus at The London Book Fair 2019, Sheila will be joined by Ben Soedira, whose work investigates place and the idea of home, and Arianne Maki, who writes on themes of otherness and belonging.

This event is free, but ticketed




7pm, free but ticketed, Clubroom
All ages
0141 352 4900