Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

GRAMNet/BEMIS Film Series Compulsory Figures

Wed 18 December 2019

Compulsory Figures

Julia Polniuk (10) trains in figure skating - and there is not much time left for her to succeed in sports and to meet her family’s expectations.

After the Euromaidan Revolution, the Polniuk family moved from Ukraine to Poland. Now they begin a brand new life in Warsaw without good jobs or money. Julia‘s mother Marina has only one goal in mind: to offer her children a better life.

This year, Julia has the opportunity to take part in the Polish Figure Skating Championships. This could bring her fame and success, and maybe even help the whole family to obtain Polish citizenship. But can a child spread their wings and fly with such a burden on their shoulders?


The GRAMNet/BEMIS Film Series 2019/2020 illustrates the labour of living and integrating into another place, and the work of keeping memory, tradition and language alive. Find out more




6pm, Free (unticketed), Cinema
All ages / F-rated
0141 352 4900