Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Iain Hetherington, Jacob Kerray and Owen Piper

Sat 3 August — Sat 14 September 2013

Iain Hetherington, Jacob Kerray and Owen Piper

Coming together for a group show in CCA1 & CCA3, Iain Hetherington, Jacob Kerray and Owen Piper share a series of concerns with the reality of making work and the subsequent meaning of the results. Working between the borders of obsessive production, social realities and cultural allusions, the artists undermine and celebrate who art is for and why it is made.

Iain Hetherington’s paintings represent a world where access to technology allows everyone to be a producer of their own imagery. The presence of the comic book character, (Where’s) ‘Wally’, is suggested within the new series of works, appearing in empty dramas, high-genre fight clouds and abstractions. Picturing the banal reality of everyone-is-an-artist, Hetherington contemplates the departure of the beholder at the very moment of art's highest visibility.

Jacob Kerray’s work draws from the visual culture surrounding his interests — football, pro wrestling and historical painting — engaging with the hierarchies of culture and social distraction. Incorporating the iconography of Baroque portraiture, his paintings illustrate redundant modern mythological fantasies, aiming not to reassert male heroism, but to express it with a form of exaggerated lameness.

Owen Piper’s practice focuses on a desire to produce, rather than to evaluate. Making several small paintings a day using printed internet imagery, found objects and pre-stretched canvas, Piper rarely pauses to reflect on this accumulation, instead, his process of working is governed by the practicalities and constraints of his studio, life and interests.

Join us for the preview of our summer exhibitions on Fri 2, 7.30pm - 10pm, then stay for our Summer Party in Saramago from 10pm until late.

We're teaming up with Tramway to make it easy for you to enjoy both of our exhibition previews on Fri 2. Catch a free bus between each venue and see British artist Brian Griffiths' ambitious new exhibition Borrowed World, Borrowed Eyes, which showcases a mammoth field of sculptures that become space fillers, insistent perfunctory objects to be skirted around or get lost in.

Bus times:
8pm - CCA to Tramway
9.15pm - Tramway to CCA





11am – 6pm, Tue – Sat, FREE