Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Kayo Mikami / Paul Michael Henry / Suzi Cunningham

Sun 25 November 2018

Gangio Gangioma

A triple bill of contemporary dance focused on Butoh, the Japanese dance of darkness.

Kayo Mikami is a world renowned performer and student of Butoh founder Tatsumi Hijikata. From Tokushima Prefecture in Japan, Mikami has performed, taught and written extensively on Butoh. She will give a masterclass at CCA, culminating in this rare solo performance in CCA theatre.

Paul Michael Henry is a Scottish dancer and musician trained in Butoh. He regularly teaches the form at CCA and performs his work all over the world. His themes are political, social & spiritual, dealing with love, neglect of the body, destruction of the environment and atrophy of the soul in consumerist society.

Suzi Cunningham is a dance/performance artist whose interest lies in how the primal body meets the modern world; with solo work that identifies and challenges social and ecological issues. Her use of tension, humour and sound creates unexpected atmospheres. Her recent work has been exploring how technology, city life and conditioning affects the way the body moves.

The event is intended to be accessible to all. The performances will be highly visual and musical, with little text.

Event Collection

Part of Butoh2018 #




7.30pm, £8 (£6) + £1 booking fee, Theatre / 14+ accompanied by an adult
Book online / 0141 352 4900