Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

CANCELLED LUX Scotland Artists’ Moving Image in Ukraine

Sat 28 September 2019

Ukraine Films

We regret that this event has been cancelled.

For this lecture Ukrainian curator, Alexandra Tryanova, will chart the context of artist’s production in Ukraine and trace a lineage for the field of artists’ moving image practice.

The birth of video practice in Ukrainian contemporary art historically coincided with the shift of socio-political order and the disintigration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. This dramatic transition period brought forth new challenges to the established order of power and gender in society and questioned the status of women in the private and public spheres.


This month, LUX Scotland presents a focus on artists’ moving image work from Eastern Europe. This series aims to trace the history and explore the concerns of women artists working in this context.




2pm - 3.30pm, Free but ticketed via Eventbrite, Creative Lab
All ages / F-rated
0141 352 4900