Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Mòd 2019 Gaelic Conversation Café

Wed 16 October 2019


Conversation Café - for Creatives, Gaels and Learners! All welcome.

This event will be delivered in Gaelic and in English.

Cuiribh eòlas air a' Ghàidhlig tro sheachdain a' Mhòid ann an Glaschu - Cafaidh Còmhraidh. Fàilte air a h-uile duine.

Bidh an tachartas seo anns a Ghàidhlig agus Bheurla.

Event Collection

Part of MOD 2019 #




12pm, Free but ticketed, Clubroom
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900