Third Eye Bar opening hours: Tue-Thu: noon-11pm, Fri-Sat: noon - midnight

Mòd 2019 Gaelic Culture Talks & Discussions: Alasdair Whyte - Gaelic Placenames of Glasgow

Mon 14 October 2019

Mod 2019 Gaelic Culture

Cuiribh eòlas air a' Ghàidhlig tro sheachdain a' Mhòid ann an Glaschu - Còmhraidhean is Deasbadan mu Chultar na Gàidhlig (ann an Gàidhlig) - Òraid le Alasdair MacIlleBhàin - Ainmean-àite sa Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu.

Bidh an tachartas seo sa Ghaidhlig.

This event will be delivered in Gaelic and is aimed at Gaelic speakers.

Event Collection

Part of MOD 2019 #




4pm, Free but ticketed, Cinema
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900