Mòd 2019 Workshops with Feis Gaidhlig Glaschu: Puirt à beul with Joy Dunlop
Mon 14 October 2019
FGG are presenting interactive daily Gaelic workshops in song, music, poetry and story at Mòd 2019. Participants have the opportunity to have fun, meet new people and take part in a new activity - everyone is welcome. For Monday's workshop we are delighted to welcome Joy Dunlop.
This event will be delivered in Gaelic and in English.
Cuiribh eòlas air a' Ghàidhlig tro sheachdain a' Mhòid ann an Glaschu - Bùithtean-obrach le Fèis Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu: Seinn mar bhuidheann le soirbheachadh bhon Puirt à beul - Joy Dunlop.
Bidh an tachartas seo anns a Ghàidhlig agus Bheurla.
Event Collection
Part of MOD 2019