Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Molly Palmer

The Fade

Sat 7 June — Sun 8 June 2014

Molly Palmer

The Fade is a three-channel video work that transports actors into hand-made, scaled down sets where a dreamlike narrative plays out. The story unfolds around a broken mirror, which undergoes a series of metamorphoses to become a symbol of transformation, courage, catharsis and hope.

The work was filmed during CCA’s Creative Lab residency in 2012, where Molly worked with local actors using green screen effects and layered video editing to build up a series of immersive environments. The piece was shown at Torna, Istanbul and Enclave, London in 2013 and returns to CCA for its first screening in Scotland, where most of the film was shot.

Molly’s practice consists of several parallel threads, using video and performance to bring together writing, music, painting and object making. By combining these amateur activities she looks for ways to access the invisible and strange, the atmospheric and emotional dimensions of everyday life.

Molly graduated from Goldsmiths’ Fine Art and Contemporary Critical Studies program in 2007 and has continued to live and work in London. Recent exhibitions, residencies and screenings include Tou Scene (Stavangar, Norway), Kala Arts Institute (Berkeley, CA), South London Gallery and Whitechapel Gallery, London. She was awarded Arts Council England’s International Development Grant for her first solo show in Istanbul last summer and is currently studying under a Leverhulme Scholarship at Royal Academy Schools.




Saturday 3pm-9pm, Sunday 12 noon - 9pm, Free, Creative Lab
All ages
Book online / 0141 352 4900