Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Open Field

Sat 22 November — Sat 17 January 2009

Open Field

Anne-Marie Copestake, Anna McLauchlan, Barry Burns, Ben Craven, Belinda Gilbert Scott, Christopher Deans, Dick Gilbert Scott, Hayley Tompkins, Kate Davis, Katy Dove, Leigh Ferguson, Luke Fowler, Mark Vernon, Sophie Macpherson, Sarah Kenchington

The exhibition accompanied a series of events, musical performances and film screenings.

"Horse Box Orchestra" was a series of mechanical orchestra performances within a portable horse box by Sarah Kenchington and invited guests.

A series of film screenings curated by Luke Fowler, including 16mm films by Beavers, Aurand, Sonbert, Brakhage, Menken, and Markopoulos, from 1962 - 2007.

"Cultural Exchange", a market stall performance by Neil Walker, accompanied by Horse Box Orchestra.

Live music by "Muscles of Joy", with new animation by Katy Dove, and "Be My Eyes and I'll Be Your Ears: a Blind Date with Vernon Burns"

And Close Field, a conversation between Sarah Ciurysek (Canada) and Sarah Smith (UK) discussing their diverse practices and the relationship of their art activity to specific locations. Organised by Katy Davis.


