Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed

Glasgow Zine Fest 2024

Penned Prophecies

Sat 4 May 2024

Tickets no longer available
Wheelchair accessible

Wheelchair accessible

An orange and purple watercolour drawing. A stack of cards, and a line of cards with one pointed at by long finger.

Credit: Belladonna Paloma

A writing workshop exploring divination, mediumship and channelled writing through tarot, with reference to The Oracle of Delphi, John Dee & Edward Kelly, and spiritualist psychophony. We'll use tarot to connect with a variety of beings, both alien & terrestrial to make a collective zine of channelled texts.

This event is part of Glasgow Zine Fest, you can view the full programme here.

About Belladonna

Belladonna Paloma is an artist & witch living in Shetland, UK. She paints, tattoos, makes games and writes poetry. Her work is inhabited by toilet gods, crossroads, boglands, grief rituals and necromancy in devotion to the beings we mistakenly name ‘waste’. Her work has been exhibited by: The Overkill Festival, Netherlands, in collaboration with Uma Breakdown (2023), IMT Gallery, London (2023), Collective Gallery, Edinburgh, in collaboration with Rabindranath Bhose and Oren Shoesmith (2023), Gropius Bau, Berlin, in collaboration with Daniella Valz Gen (2023), and Gaada, Shetland (2023).


There will be 20 attendees maximum. During this event, attendees will participate in: whole group discussions, writing, sharing work that has been created.

The room is wheelchair accessible. You may be asked to wear a mask at this event.

If you have any questions or access requirements, please get in touch with us via

Full access information for Glasgow Zine Fest can be found here.

Event Collection

Part of Glasgow Zine Fest 2024 #




Event Type






5:00pm — 7:00pm


All ages


Tickets: Pay-what-you-can


Wheelchair accessible

Tickets no longer available