Queer Classics Film Festival
Fri 25 May — Sat 26 May 2018
Queer classics Orlando h42o
Two days of screenings depicting iconic representations of LGBTQ+ people across the decades. From the “gay boys” of Japan’s 1960s trans, sub culture in Funeral Parade of Roses, 1969; to the origins of voguing in the Harlem balls of Paris is Burning, 1990; to the magical, queer, gender shifting tale of Orlando, 1992; right up to the president day story of Sin-Dee Rella in Tangerine, 2015, shot entirely on an iPhone.
LGBTQ+ cinema has a rich and diverse history. In this mini retrospective film festival, we hope to give a brief overview of some of the most infamous, intimate, outlandish and diverse depictions of queer people ever to grace the silver screen.
All proceedings will go directly to fund a new queer-focused artist film commission.
We want this event to be as inclusive as possible, if for any reason you would like to attend a screening but feel you cannot afford to please write to info@queerclassicsfilmfestival.com for a full concession.
More info at QueerClassicsFilmFestival.com.
Event Collection
Part of Queer Classics