Opening Hours: Tue-Sat: 10am-12midnight, Sun-Mon: Closed


Mon 13 May — Sun 26 May 2019

Radiophrenia Kathryn Ashill 25 WEB n2wb

Broadcasting live from the CCA, Radiophrenia is a temporary FM art radio station - a two week exploration into current trends in sound and transmission arts. The programme includes soundscapes, spoken word, documentary, drama, radio experiments, found sound and radical new programme ideas plus a new series of specially commissioned live-to-air performances.

For the full schedule visit

Event Collection

Part of Radiophrenia2019 #




Broadcasts: Mon 13 - Sun 26 May
Live Performances: Wed 15, Fri 17, Sun 19, Sat 25 & Sun 26 May, 7pm, Free but ticketed / 15+
Tickets available from Fri 11 April / 0141 352 4900